Monday, September 11, 2006


i just perm my hair 1st it was nice untill...

TODAY,i came to school,and mr gabriel cut the back of my hair and now it look like WTF~!!! hair shall grow..lmao...~~~its part of life..i accept that fact..

one more thing..D&T is driving me mad..not Zzz-ping tonight...gonna finish folio..wish me's so gay..

EEEEWWWWW...MOOO...LALALALA...WAHAHAHAHA...muwahahahaha..HEHEHE...HAHAHAHA...WOOOO...WHEEE..WTF~~..u still reading???..lmao

Sunday, September 10, 2006

1.Full name: Wilson Lee Peng Wee
2. Name backwards: eeW gneP eeL nosliW
3. Were you named after someone?: nope
4. Meaning of name: son of william
5. Nickname: peng wei
6. Screen name: errr huh?
7. D.O.B: 031089
8.Place of birth: american hospital
9. Nationality: singaporean
10.Current location: living room
11.Star sign: libra
12.Religion: buddhism
13.Height: 169
14.Weight: 77kg
15.Shoe size: 8.5
16.Hair color: brownish black
17.Eye color: black
18.Who do you look like: mother
19.Innie or outtie: err out?
20.Lefty or righty: righty
21.Gay, straight, bi or others: GAY
22.Best friend: SC
23.Best friend you trust most: SC
24.Favourite pals: Jinny,SC,Josh,JR and many more
25.Best friend of opposite sex: Xiaoyun
26.Best buddies: SC
27.Boyfriend or girlfriend: no
28.Crush: question
29.Parents: HUH
30.Worst Enemy: dont have
31.Favourite online guy: jinny
32.Favourite online girl: dont know
33.Craziest friend: alot...almost all
34.Advice friend: SC
35.Loudest friend: the loudest..lolz
36.Person you cry with: i nv cry..liu xue bu liu lei
37.Person you laugh with: everyone
38.Any sisters: yes,2
39.Any brothers: nah
40.Any pets:many gt 4 discus fish
41.Any disease: nah
42.Pager: nope
43.Personal phone line: yup
44.Cell phone: yup
45.Lava Lamp: father's room
46.Pool or hot tub: swimming pool downstairs
47.A car: toy cars
48.Your personality: im emo now dont ask
49.Driving: i wanna learn
51.Room: my room is PINK
52.Whats missing: love
53.School: damai sec..leaving soon
54.Bed: king kol
55.Relationship with parents: okok
56.Believe in yourself: of cos
57.Believe in love at first sight: yes
58.Good listener: yes
59.Get along well with parents: ok
60.Save e-mail convos: no
61.Pray: seldom
62.Believe in reincarnation: yes
63.Make fun of people: always
64.Like to talk on the phone: yes...with gals only
65.Want to get married: DUH
66.Like to drive: yeah.
67.Motion Sickness: ferry
68.Eat stem of broccoli: yar
69.Eat chicken with fork: ya,knife oso
70.Dream in color: all type of colors
71.Type with your fingers on home role: huh?
72.Sleep with stuff animals: nah. i slp with bao bao
73.Next to you: takashimaya paper bag
74.On the walls of your room: pics of friends and me,lights
75.On your mousepad: mouse and barracuda mousepad
76.Dream car: gt car can liao..but if can...Maybach
77.Dream date: 2 person sitting along the river wathing fireworks
78.Dream honeymoon spot: Rome
79.Dream husband or wife: caring, kind to animals, funny, do not smoke
80.Bedtime: 12-630(during sch)
81.Under your bed: another bed
82.Single most important question: huh?
83.Bad time of the day: day
84.Your worst fear: my nightmares
85.The weather is: cant see..toodark..its night -_-
86.Time: 12:05am
87.Date: 10 sep 06 trick did on someone : cnt rmb
89.Theme song: huh ?
90.Hardest thing about growing up: is tro see the onw who raise u up die
91.funniest exprience: too many
92.Scariest experience: in dreams
93.Silliest thing you have ever said: gay? (taught by xiaoyun)
94.Most desperate and funniest thing i have done to get the opposite sex: ask for number from a gal
95.Scariest thing while you are with your friends: 2am at vedok reservoir
96.Worst feeling: kena rejected
97.Best feeling in the world: being love qwith the person u love, passing all subjects, more freedom, being rich